Having trouble with your pool lights? We understand the frustration. There could be several reasons why your pool lights are not working, such as a burnt-out bulb, water inside the fixture, or a faulty GFCI (ground fault circuit interrupter). These issues need to be examined and diagnosed by a qualified technician.
However, before you give us a call for a diagnosis, let's talk about something related to the GFCI and how it works, as well as what you can do before seeking professional help for your non-functioning pool lights.
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The Role of GFCI
The GFCI is a mechanism used in homes as a protective device, similar to surge protectors you use for your computer, TV, etc. Its main function is to detect electrical leakage, such as when a hairdryer accidentally falls into the bathwater or when lightning strikes near your house, and immediately shut off the electricity before it reaches you or the protected items.
With that in mind, when pool lights are properly wired, they are also connected to a GFCI to prevent electric shock or worse when turned on.
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A Helpful Tip
Let us provide a tip on one thing you, as a pool owner, can do before making a service call. Please note that if you have a spa and pool light, but only one of them is working, it probably won't be related to the GFCI.
However, if you have only one pool light or if both the spa and pool lights don't turn on when you flip the switch, it could be a tripped GFCI.
In that case, simply locate the GFCI (usually near or by the box where you turn on your pool light/lights) and check if it has tripped. You may ask, "How do I know if it has tripped?"
On all GFCI outlets, there are two buttons. One is a "reset" button (red button) and the other is a "test" button (black button). When a GFCI has tripped, the reset button will be further out than the test button.
Press the reset button back in and try flipping the pool light/lights switch again. If your pool lights work, congratulations, there's no need to call us. However, if they still don't work or if the GFCI trips again, please contact us and let one of our qualified technicians diagnose the issue.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. How do I know if my GFCI has tripped?
On all GFCI outlets, there are two buttons. One is a "reset" button (red button) and the other is a "test" button (black button). If the reset button is further out than the test button, it means the GFCI has tripped.
2. How do I get my pool lights working again if the GFCI has tripped?
Press the reset button on the GFCI and try flipping the switch to turn on the pool lights again. If it still doesn't work, please contact us and let one of our qualified technicians diagnose the issue.
3. Can I repair my pool lights myself?
It is recommended to consult a qualified technician to diagnose and repair any issues with your pool lights. This ensures that the repair is done correctly and that you remain safe while enjoying your pool.
We hope this information has been helpful. If you have any other questions or need assistance with your pool, feel free to contact us. We are here to enhance your pool experience.