Trying to figure out how to trade in Path Of Exile? Unless you’re playing in a solo-self-found league, trading with other Path of Exile Items players is one of the best ways to gear up your character in Path Of Exile. However, the trade process has some intentional road bumps and is not explained in-game. Thankfully, it is fairly simple once you know where to look. This guide will walk you through buying and selling items in Path Of Exile step by step.
How to buy items from other players POE Items in Path Of Exile.
Path Of Exile has no in-game auction house. There is a Trade chat channel, but it’s mostly an unusable mess. The vast majority of trade is managed via the official trade website. Here, you’ll find tons of ways to filter down searches for specific items.
For example, say it is day two of Sentinel league and I need new boots for my Seismic Trap character. I’m looking for something with movement speed, fire resistance, and life. I can select these options in the filters, like in the image above, and find every matching item currently listed for sale by other players.
How to sell items to other players in Path Of Exile
If you own a premium stash tab, selling items in Path Of Exile is pretty easy. First, right-click your premium tab’s name tag and select the “public” and “each item individually priced” options. Then, place the item you wish to sell in the tab, right-click the item, and select a price. See the image above for an example of this
Unfortunately, if you don’t own a premium stash tab, selling items is a bit of a pain. You’ll need to create a thread in the trading forums, get links to your items from your character page on the website, and then link them in your thread with the “~price x chaos” tag. If this sounds annoying and overly complicated, well… it is. Selling items is much, much simpler if you buy a premium stash tab from the in-game store. This is the closest thing to a pay-to-win mechanic in Path Of Exile, and an understandable frustration point.
Which currencies should you trade with in Path Of Exile?
Path Of Exile has dozens of currency items, with values tied to their in-game crafting uses. However, there are only really two you need to worry about for trade. Chaos Orbs are the dollar of Path Of Exile. Most trades are priced in Chaos, especially early in a league. You should list most of your low-to-mid value items in Chaos Orbs 99% of the time.
Due to a shakeup in patch 3.19, Divine Orbs are now the go-to currency for high-value trades. Previously, items worth more than around 150 Chaos were most commonly priced in Exalted Orbs. Most of the Exalted Orb's value came from metamods, which are high-end crafts that used to cost Exalted Orbs to perform. Now, these crafts cost Divine Orbs. It will take some time for the dust to settle, but it would be a shock if Divine Orbs don't replace Exalts as the new high-value trade standard. You can check the Bulk Trade tab to see the relative value of each currency. There are fewer sources of Divine Orbs than Exalted Orbs in Path Of Exile, so expect Divines to cost far more than Exalts ever did.