Hey boys, Mechanic is out of stock on EFT Roubles Bitcoins! The famous brick game, Tetriz, is not as valuable as before in Escape From Tarkov as Battlestate Games has decided to lower the number of Bitcoins in possession of Mechanic to only 100 per stock. That means that on each restocks or trader reset, players will be only able to get 100 Bitcoins globally. We’re very deep into the wipe to believe that this would make any significant changes to the unhealthy economy, but I guess it’s still worth trying.
With that said, we can sit back, relax, and watch the price of the “Tetriz portable game” on the auction house pummel down to a minimum. This means that players who are on the look of earning money without an effort may start preparing their fast fingers and purchase “Tetriz Portable Game” from the Flea Market. Afterward, they will need to trade it to Mechanic for a Bitcoin, which price at the time of this writing is around 800,000 Roubles. Currently, the Tetriz has fallen to ~600,000 Roubles, and we’re prepared to see an even bigger dip in price.
Escape From Tarkov is in 0.12.9, a patch that introduced a lot of changes to the server infrastructure and game fluidity overall. It has improved in multiple fields, and as such, it’s taken as very intriguing to play. Nevertheless, older players who are no strangers to Tarkov are aware of the weak economy and are inundated by its current marketplace. Multiple streamers have confirmed that the whole economy is whirling around Bitcoins, Graphic Cards and Tetrizes, which is no good and should be changed. Well, the time has come.
Now that the Tetriz has been cut down and no longer able to trade for Bitcoin for an unlimited amount, we should expect a new barter offer added by Battlestate Games for something else. Whether is that going to Cheap EFT Roubles ruin the price of the Tetriz or retain its authenticity remains to be seen.