The synthetic material of dye sublimation heat transfer paper vendor is polyester polyol, which is generally prepared by the reaction of organic polyol and organic polyol. The production operation process is mainly divided into five steps: pre-production confirmation, feeding, heating, adding catalyst, heating and so on.

Polyester polyols are important raw materials for dye sublimation heat transfer paper vendor synthetic materials. As the raw material of polyester resin, it is generally based on hydroxyl polyester compounds, which are also called polyester polyols. It is an ordinary alkyd resin in the industry, and the polyester polyol required in unsaturated polyester has a low molecular weight, generally 1000-3000. Polyester polyol is widely used as adipic acid series. It can be used in dye sublimation heat transfer paper vendor soft and hard foam plastics, rubber adhesives, synthetic leather, coatings and so on. By designing the process conditions of polyester polyols and testing the ratio of raw materials, adipic acid type polyester polyols with molecular weight of about 1500-2000 were prepared. dye sublimation heat transfer paper vendor with wide properties can be prepared. After many explorations, the traditional process of dehydration with nitrogen has been improved, and the important links such as seizing a certain equilibrium temperature, strengthening vacuum and corresponding holding time have been grasped, so as to shorten the reaction time, reduce energy consumption, achieve the purpose of reducing costs, and ensure product quality.

2. Confirm before production that the reactor is empty, the bottom valve has been closed, and the raw material reserve is sufficient. Make sure that the line has been purged, the purging of the line is very important, it will affect the dehydration later, and may also affect the product color. Each reactor each raw material pipe valve is closed, the reactor pressure is normal, the reactor stirring is normal, the stirring circulating water is normal, the rectification tower bypass (vacuum pipeline) SV valve and hand valve are closed, the vacuum regulating valve is closed, the rectification tower SV valve and hand valve are opened. The drainage pipeline is in full open drainage state, and the drain valve of the drainage pipeline and the gas phase pressure equalization valve of the drainage pipeline are opened. The recovered alcohol in the recovered alcohol tank has been released, and the valve has been restored to normal production. The boiler temperature and pressure are normal, and the boiler system is normal. Hot oil inlet and outlet valve is normal.

3. After feeding and purging, open the drain line drain valve and pressure equalizing valve, open the manhole, further confirm whether the reactor is empty, start to pour small molecular alcohol, first record the flow rate of the small molecular alcohol flow meter, confirm that the feed hand valve of other reactors is closed, open the required reactor hand valve, set the program on the computer, first zero the accumulated amount, input the amount of alcohol to be poured, and then add it. The confirmation procedure is consistent with the order. Single computer feeding program, start feeding, first look at the irrigation area pump started, cold winter weather pump may be broken in the feeding process. This can not continue to feed, will be more trouble, affect the production, look at the instantaneous value, should be between 6-8m2/h, and then look at the alcohol, the flow of bubbles in the case of more than 30min need to stop the program, put the material out, recalculate and feed. After finishing the material, close the handle valve, record the data, check it to ensure that the amount of the material is consistent with the order, if less, it is necessary to add. Look at the liquid level in the kettle, called 14gOB-1, pour into the kettle, mainly whitening, do not add too much, will affect the color of the material. Stir, stir for about 30 minutes, pour adipic acid, see what kind of adipic acid needs to be poured into the order, count the amount of adipic acid again before feeding, see if the amount is enough. If it's not enough, don't vote. Contact the leader. Diadipic acid: Put the funnel on top of the reactor, use the line hanger to put adipic acid on the funnel, do not let the bag shake too much during the line walking, cut the bottom of the bag with a knife, in order to ensure that the product quality is qualified, the color is qualified, do not throw dirty adipic acid into the bag, tie the bag after throwing adipic acid, and click again to see how much you have invested, avoid multiple or less investment. It will affect later production. Seal, cover the population, tighten the screws diagonally, apply pressure, add 0.015MPa, turn off nitrogen, and use soapy water to make air tight. See the leak is not, if the leak, see if it is not tight, tight again, if the arrangement is not good, replace the gasket in time. Air tightness is very important, when the air tightness is not good, the material inside will be sprayed out when the temperature rises, affecting the production.

dye sublimation heat transfer paper vendor