Fruit-vegetable Powder price WHAT IS MANGOSTEEN POWDER GOOD FOR? Mangosteen powder is a sweet and sour fruit powder. It is a tropical fruit native to Southeast Asia. The outside is dark purple and the inside is white. Mangosteens can be fresh, canned, or dried. Plus, it has a rich, delicate texture and slightly acidic taste. It also has medicinal properties. Our pure mangosteen powder is made from the whole fruit, including the flavonoid-containing peel to ensure it has maximum flavor and nutrition. Since this powder contains antioxidant-rich peels, it is not completely water-soluble. Best to use this blend of elixirs, tonics, and sweet fruit in smoothies for added flavor and nutrition! 7 Health Benefits of Mangosteen Powder 1. Rich in powerful antioxidants Source of Antioxidants Mangosteen is rich in antioxidants and vitamins. Mangosteen contains several nutrients with antioxidant power, such as vitamin C and folic acid. In addition, it provides xanthone - a unique plant compound known to have strong antioxidant, anti-cancer, anti-aging, and anti-diabetic effects. 2. May have anti-inflammatory properties The xanthones in mangosteen may play a role in reducing inflammation. Studies have shown that xanthones have anti-inflammatory properties and may reduce the risk of inflammatory diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. 3. Enhance immunity Mangosteen is rich in xanthone and vitamin C, which work wonders to strengthen and improve the immune system. 4. Regulates Blood Pressure and Promotes Heart Health Mangosteen can also lower cholesterol levels in your body, further checking blood pressure and the heart disease that comes with it. 5. Anti-inflammatory properties Mangosteen has high anti-inflammatory properties. Inhibited release of histamine and prostaglandins contributes to the anti-inflammatory process. Inflammation can lead to colds, flu, and increased swelling and pain. 6. Promotes skincare Mangosteen's high antibacterial and antibacterial properties and star ingredient flavonoids can greatly reduce the risk of many skin diseases by repairing damaged cells. Mangosteen has also been traditionally used to treat acne and to reduce signs of aging. The signs of aging are also caused by oxidative stress caused by free radicals, and the antioxidants of mangosteen can effectively combat free radicals. 7. May promote weight loss Additional research on mangosteen and obesity is limited, but experts speculate that mangosteen's anti-inflammatory effects, which play a role in promoting fat metabolism and preventing weight gain, could effectively help with digestive issues. It can help prevent constipation. Recommended recipes: Mangosteen Passion Fruit Smoothie raw material - 2 tsp mangosteen powder - 2 cups passion fruit juice - 4-6 frozen strawberries - 1 banana peeled and frozen Instruct 1. Put all ingredients in a blender and blend on high speed until the mixture is smooth. 2. The smoothie will be thick, if you don't like that, add more juice until you reach the desired consistency. 3. Pour and enjoy! Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Q: What does mangosteen powder do to the body? A: The main active ingredients in mangosteen are flavonoids and vitamins. In addition, it has many medicinal properties. It has anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antimicrobial, and antimalarial properties. Antioxidants in mangosteen fight free radicals in our bodies. Also, it boosts the immune system and is good for the skin. Q: What diseases can mangosteen cure? A: Mangosteen can treat diarrhea, urinary tract infections (UTI), and gonorrhea. Additionally, it treats thrush, tuberculosis, menstrual disorders, cancer, osteoarthritis, and an intestinal infection called dysentery. It also stimulates the immune system and improves mental health. Q: Is mangosteen good for the kidneys? A: The alkalinity of mangosteen prevents the formation of kidney stones by neutralizing the acidity of the urine. It also helps treat urinary tract infections (UTIs). Q: Can mangosteen reduce uric acid? Answer: Mangosteen peels contain flavonoids and flavonoids. These compounds help lower uric acid levels. Q: Is mangosteen good for high blood pressure? A: Mangosteen contains a lot of potassium, copper, magnesium, and manganese, which can control blood pressure. Potassium in particular can counteract the harmful effects of excess table salt (sodium). Mangosteen also lowers cholesterol levels in the body, thereby controlling blood pressure. Q: Is mangosteen good for the heart? A: Yes, its anti-inflammatory properties can prevent the risk of stroke and heart attack. Therefore, it effectively reduces heart disease risk factors such as LDL or bad cholesterol and triglycerides. But, at the same time, it increases HDL, or good cholesterol. Q: Can mangosteen lose weight? A: Yes, its anti-inflammatory properties promote fat metabolism and prevent weight gain - inflammation can lead to insulin resistance, which can lead to fat accumulation in the body. Inflammation can also impair leptin function in the body. Leptin is a hormone that signals to the brain about when and how much to eat.Fruit-vegetable Powder price website: