Edited by MMOTWS for wotlk classic gold
Professions are optional in Wrath with the Lich King. They are generally remarkably beneficial since you earn in-game currency with them and empower your character for the first time. With the relief of a new expansion, there are several updates on the professional system; likewise, this time, it can be Jewelcrafting.
WotLK Jewelcrafting-1
Jewelcrafting can be a skill that allows players to generate rings, charms, and necklaces. Although these rings, pendants, and necklaces significantly increase your character's attributes and talents, the main benefit of jewel crafting is revealed in crafting gems for socketed gear. Rocks providing additional bonuses towards the socketed item are becoming necessary today.
Because leveling work from commencement to end might be costly, the optimal strategy for balancing a career like Jewelcrafting would be to follow a guide produced by pro players. You will save some time and gold. So, here's the Wrath Jewelcrafting leveling guide.
Materials for Jewelcrafting
Jewelcrafting is expensive, so you need various materials to level this profession. Here are the many materials that might be required in this leveling journey.
WotLK Jewelcrafting-2
You will need various uncommon gems, such as dark jade, shadow crystal, bloodstone, chalcedony, huge citrine, and sun crystal. If you start at jewel crafting 400, you will need seventy stones. On the other hand, if you begin preparing 375, you will need thirty of those stones.
Five chalcedonies, huge citrine, sun crystal, dark jade, or bloodstone.
Ten items of crystallized earth.
Fifty-five eternal shadow, or twenty-five eternal earth, or eighty eternal earth.
Eight rare quality gems include frost emerald, autumn's flow, sky sapphire, scarlet ruby, twilight opal, and monarch topaz. There are no combination requirements for these gems.
Thirty titanium bars.
Jewelcrafting Leveling Guide
WotLK Jewelcrafting-3
Level 1-20
To begin the jewel crafting profession from level one, you should only need to prepare delicate copper wire. You will only need two copper bars for this specific purpose.
Level 20-30
Reaching level twenty, you require eight rouge stones to craft an intricate stone statue and upgrade the profession to level thirty.
Level 30-50
With only 1 tiger eye and another delicate wire of copper, it is possible to craft a band in the tiger eye and upgrade the jewel crafting from level thirty to level fifty.
Level 50-80
You will require two bronze bars to craft a bronze setting and reach level eighty in jewel crafting.
Level 80-90
To reach jewel crafting level ninety, you aft an elegant silver ring. This ring is usually prepared with only one silver bar.
Level 90-110
Ring of silver may be your answer to reaching jewel crafting levels 100 and ten. This ring may be crafted with the Aid of just two silver bars.
Level 110-130
The heavy stone statue requires only eight bits of heavy stone which are not hard to come by, and you will upgrade the jewel crafting to level a hundred and thirty.
Level 130-150
For leveling between level 100 and thirty to 100 and fifty, you can craft a pendant in the agate shield using one bronze setting and another moss agate.
Level 150-180
The mithril filigree can take you to level hundred and eighty in jewel crafting. It would be best if you only crafted this filigree.
Level 180-200
The actual silver ring with engraving uses one bar of genuine silver and two waste mithril filigree. If you prepare, you can upgrade the jewel crafting profession to level two hundred.
Level 200-210
If you could have one citrine and bars of mithril with your bag, you would be able to craft a citrine ring of rapid Healing to upgrade the jewel crafting to level two hundred dollars and ten.
Level 210-220
Three aquamarines, in addition to four flasks of mojo, are necessary to craft an aquamarine signet. It would be best if you prepared this signet for leveling between level 2 hundred and ten to level 2 hundred and twenty.
Level 220-225
The aquamarine pendant in the warrior item is crafted using three bits of mithril filigree and another aquamarine. You can prepare it to upgrade the jewel crafting professional to levels 190 and twenty-five.
Level 225-250
The journey to the jewel crafting level of two hundred dollars and fifty requires you to craft the thorium set. You need only one bar of thorium to prepare this setting.
Level 250-260
The ruby pendant of fire requires one-star ruby and another thorium setting. This crafting is vital for reaching levels 200 and sixty in the jewel crafting profession. You will also earn many WotLK gold inside the process.
Level 260-265
This session in the level also requires one to craft an engagement ring called the true silver ring of Healing. To prepare this ring, you will need two hearts of wild and a few bars of genuine silver.
Level 265-275
To upgrade the jewel crafting profession to level 190 and seventy-five, you should prepare a straightforward opal ring requiring one large opal and something thorium setting.
Level 275-280
A sapphire signet can be a good selection for jewel crafting, leveling to level 2 hundred eighty. For crafting this signet, it would be best to have one thorium setting, four blue sapphires, and a couple of bars of actual silver.
Level 280-290
To upgrade the jewel crafting profession to level 190 and ninety, you would like one blue sapphire, one thorium setting, then one essence of undeath. You can prepare a sapphire pendant for the winter night using these materials.
Level 290-300
This could be the last leveling session with this part; in places, you will upgrade the jewel crafting profession to level 300. You could craft one emerald lion ring using two giant emeralds and another thorium setting here.
When you level up the profession to over a hundred and fifty, you may buy the Design: Pendant on the Agate Shield. To purchase this design, you may go to the two locations below.
Go on the Horde Jandia in Freewind post
Go towards the Alliance Neal Allen in Menethil Harbor
WotLK Jewelcrafting-4
Level 300-310
For leveling here, you should craft any from the items given below.
Craft the Design: Brilliant Golden Draenite with one Golden Draenite.
Craft the Design: Glowing Shadow Draenite with one Shadow Draenite.
Craft the Design: Solid Azure Moonstone with one Azure Moonstone.
Craft the Design: Teardrop Blood Garnet with one Blood Garnet.
Craft the Design: Radiant Deep Peridot with one Deep Peridot.
Craft the Design: Inscribed Flame Spessarite with one Flame Spessarite.
Level 310-315
Craft the Design: Sparkling Azure Moonstone with one Azure Moonstone.
Craft the Design: Bold Blood Garnet with one Blood Garnet.
Craft the Design: Jagged Deep Peridot with one Deep Peridot.
Level 315-325
Craft the Design: Enduring Deep Peridot with one Deep Peridot.
Craft the Design: Run Blood Garnet with one Blood Garnet.
Craft the Design: Shifting Shadow Draenite with one Shadow Draenite.
Craft the Design: Stormy Azure Moonstone with one Azure Moonstone.
Craft the Design: Thick Golden Draenite with one Golden Draenite.
Craft the Design: Glinting Flame Spessarite with one Flame Spessarite.
Level 325-350
Craft the Design: Dazzling Deep Peridot with one Deep Peridot
Craft the Design: Delicate Blood Garnet with one Blood Garnet.
Craft the Design: Lustrous Azure Moonstone with one Azure Moonstone.
Craft the Design: Potent Flame Spessarite with one Flame Spessarite.
Craft the Design: Rigid Golden Draenite with one Golden Draenite.
Craft the Design: Sovereign Shadow Draenite with one Shadow Draenite.
Level 350-395
The grand master trainer may be found in Northrend, so you must meet up with him to upgrade the profession to the max. From this point, leveling up the domain for your rules is possible.
Don't neglect the price of raw gems since you can choose between different rocks for crafting. You should pick the cheapest rocks now. All those crafted gems may be sold inside the market again.
There is often a special perk, the gem perfection, which you must unlock after all this. Go to Northrend to unlock this perk. You can quickly improve the quality of uncommon gems to enhance their stats at no cost.
To progress here, you've to satisfy the grand master trainer. He will teach you every one of the uncommon gem cuts. You can craft the cut. Here are some of the best gems that it is possible to choose for leveling.
Dark Jade
Huge Citrine
Shadow Crystal
Sun Crystal
Level 395-425
Obtain a rare gem pattern employing your daily tokens to level up here. Here are the many items that you'll be able to craft for leveling.
Autumn's Glow
Forest Emerald
Monarch Topaz
Scarlet Ruby
Sky Sapphire
Twilight Opal
Level 425-450
Buy a meta gem socket for upgrading the jewel crafting profession to level 350.
Earthsiege Diamond
Skyflare Diamond
Figurine - Sapphire Owl
The Wrath of the Lich King Classic will be released in the winter of 2022, and this game brings a lot of new content to the classic WOW that players love as one of the most popular expansions in the history of World of Warcraft. It would be best if you did a lot to battle the undead Scourge led by the Lich King and ultimately defeat him on this icy continent. For example, get more WOW WOTLK Gold to make the character strong enough... World of Warcraft has always used gold as the base currency. If you encounter blockages or other issues affecting your game experience, some WOTLK Classic Gold can help you solve the problem. Because gold supports the in-game economy, its value is recognized by all players. This means you can use gold to buy gear from other players when you want to get stronger, such as weapons, armor, and shields with higher item levels. You can also use gold to hire some more professional players to fight alongside you in the upcoming enemy that requires a solid team to overcome. All in all, WOTLK Classic Gold is what every player needs.
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